
Laser Hair Removal

Candessa Medical Aesthetics

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment among men and women who would like to remove unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal is commonly used to treat: upper lip, legs, armpits, back, neck and bikini line. The results of laser hair removal are long-lasting. Candessa is one of the only facilities in Utah that offers 1 year of complimentary touch up’s after your last treatment.

The laser hair removal procedure generally requires anywhere from a few minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the size of the treated area. During the procedure, one of our estheticians will apply an advanced, safe, hand-held laser to the skin. The laser produces heat that damages the patient’s hair follicles, where hair growth originates. This damage inhibits hair growth. For best results, patients should undergo several treatments spaced several months apart.

After laser hair removal, no medications or bandages are necessary. Patients may experience some swelling, redness, or discomfort for the first few hours, but these effects typically fade in the first two days. Laser hair removal patients should not pick at the treated skin after the procedure. In addition, laser hair removal patients should not wax or pluck hairs between treatments and should avoid sun exposure (or tanning booths) for several weeks. contact our office for more information and pricing.

laser hair removal Bountiful Utah

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